
What is the abortion debate?

With the dramatic leaking of Justice Alito’s draft opinion overturning Roe v Wade and Planned Parenthood v Casey, the following weeks were about what one would expect. Lots of shouting, lots of name calling, and very little common ground. And for an issue that is so simple (note: simple, not easy) I think many people have forgotten what they are fighting about. (0) In a rational, emotion-free world the pro-choice and pro-life movements would both agree they are trying to answer the same questions. When do we get our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? We take it for granted that we inherited these rights sometime between when we were conceived and when we die. But resolving the issue of abortion requires we know when they begin. From a legal perspective, federal law levies a $5,000 fine or jail time for the deliberate destruction or disturbance of an eagle egg. (1) There are also cases where assailants who killed pregnant women have been convicted of double homicide.

Psaki: It’s ‘Unfair And Absurd’ That Companies Would Raise Costs For Consumers Due To Higher Taxes

  Spoken like someone who has never managed the costs of running a business. Profit = price - costs Costs include but are not limited to: employees, certifications, facility mortgages, materials, gas, electricity, and taxes. Profit is becoming a demonized word, but the reality is if a company cannot make a profit then it cannot provide employment opportunities and it cannot provide goods and services to people in the local community. Most companies in the US. only make 8% profit. (1) With such a slim margin, if any of the above costs go up, then the average company has no choice but to raise prices just to stay afloat. It is absurd that the administration does not get such basic economics 1.

Vaccine Executive Orders

  The President in 2050: and so to curb the pandemic of obesity I will be signing these executive orders that will require OSHA to require all businesses to require their employees to take this new anti-obesity vaccine that is guaranteed to drop your BMI. Press: Mr. President what is the threshold for obesity? President: The threshold is a BMI above 30. Press: Will there be any medical or religious exceptions provided? President: Sadly no. Press: What about people who are obese but able to drop their BMIs by other methods? President: They will still be required. I’ve been patient with them but now my patience has worn thin. Press: Lastly, what about people who are already under the BMI for obesity or even those who are considered underweight. If they aren’t part of the problem will they be required to take this vaccine as well? President: Yes of course they will. I’ve already said we each have to do our part. Think of our kids.

Heartbreak from Texas' Heartbeat Law

  A lot of babies were killed yesterday. I've talked with a number of limited government/libertarian people who are pro-choice yet believe that abortion kills a human being. Their logic is simple - making an act illegal does not stop it from happening.  Prohibitionists saw their efforts fail when they outlawed drinking in the 20s. Those seeking to decriminalize marijuana today apply this same logic. Now I believe on a moral level that it is good to criminalize acts like murder and manslaughter. Laws are sometimes about prevention and sometimes about punishment. I believe abortion is at minimum, the equivalent of manslaughter and should therefore also be criminalized and punished as such.  But that doesn't remove the unintended consequences of Texas' new policy. It has been reported that abortion clinics in Texas were overwhelmed with women wanting an abortion before the law took effect.(1) Simply and sadly put, the supply was very limited and so the demand sky rocketed.  Th

The Opportunity Cost of Giving

Economics studies how and why people allocate and use their limited resources. Everyone regardless of age, wealth, or ethnicity has 2 basic resources: money and time. Opportunity cost is the cost of choosing one decision over another. Money: I got a call the other day from Alliance Defending Freedom asking for financial support for their many ongoing legal battles (1). As someone interested in politics and the constitution these battles are very important to me. But then Glenn Beck called, asking for donations for the Nazarene Fund to evacuate as many Christians as possible from the trouble brewing in Afghanistan (2). Meanwhile Samaritan’s Purse was also pleading for supplies and personnel for Haiti following their 7.2 earthquake (3). I only have a limited amount of money and I cannot support every request though they are all important to me. By choosing to support one organization I am simultaneously choosing to not support another. Time: “Look carefully then how you walk, not as

Pray For Afghanistan

  Seeing the tragedies in Afghanistan I am reminded why I bother to write these essays: Elections of politicians and their policy decisions have very real consequences for everyday people. Sometimes those consequences can be helpful and sometimes they can be lethal. Understanding economics, politics, and human nature are tools God has given us to achieve the former while avoiding the latter.

Asking for a Friend

  Now that we are talking about mandatory Covid vaccinations Does the Constitution no longer say "My body my choice?" Asking for 60,764,800 unborn friends Source of the graph: